
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the phrase alone sounds complicated.  It reeks of techno jargon and complex concepts. So let’s break it down in simple terms. You want a potential customer or client to be able to find you when they are looking for that “widget” or service you have to offer. You want them to see your website URL first or at least on the first page of options.  What is the most important thing your website needs to be successful in online search engines? Below I have put together five (5) things that are important to consider to ensure the website that you have created or developed is easily reachable in search engines.

If you are reading this, you have probably already created a concept for a website or you have begun the process of creating your website.  If not, consider starting at “this blog about creating a website.”



As you consider search engine optimization (SEO), you must come up with words or terms that would naturally bring someone to  your product or service. What is a list of words that people would be searching if they were trying to find your service?  That list is important. That list we will call your “keywords.”

Here is an example:  If Jane Doe was providing a service where you could purchase templates for web designs, she may have a list of keywords that include: design, webpage, layout, template, landing page, and so on.  Once you have this list of power words in hand, you will want to incorporate them throughout the content of your website. This allows for the search engines, like Google to consider your page as “important” when it comes to these terms when you are repeatedly using them.

Connection to Credible Links

What are credible links?  Once you have established your content throughout your site, be bold and reach out to others in a similar field as your service or product.  Develop a network of like-minded websites or other services that would complement what you have to offer your clients.

Adding a list of links to your site will enhance their page-ranking over time, and if they return the favor by linking to your URL on their website, the reward is reciprocated on yours.  The more “credible” the website that links to your web address, the better the reward when it comes to the bottom line of your SEO ranking.

How do you determine credible?  Well if they are established websites or high ranking websites with merit, they are great options.  Government or education sites, for example would be a great choice. But other websites that have established a following on their own merit already (this comes with time among other factors) are also good choices to ask to link to your site.  But you need to provide them with a good reason to link to your information. Think of ways you can make your content stand out above your competitors.

Confirm SSL Security

Depending on who you have hosting your website this can be fairly simple to check.  If you have developed your own webpage and you use a domain service to host your purchased domain / URL you can check the SSL setting with that service.  

However, here is a quick way to check:  When your domain name is entered in the browser address bar and your site comes up on the screen, do you see: https:// in front of your URL? If so, then your site is secure. You should also see the “lock” symbol on the browser’s address line. Another test you can try is using a free online “checker” for SSL like this link: https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html.

Keywords in Blogs

You will want to continue to use your "power words" that we established in our first concept above.  Doing this by regularly posting blogs daily or weekly about your product or service on your website will enhance your search-ability and your ranking in search engines.  Share tips or insights that may encourage users to come to your page by posting concepts in sets of 3, 5, etc. An example would be "Three Steps to Enhance Your SEO."

Keep it Fresh, Keep it Active

You have come this far, don't give up; keep going.  Each week or on a regular basis, add to your content, add blog posts, add to your social media linked to the website.  Keeping your material fresh and with regular "changes or updates" will make the search engines acknowledge that your site is active and you are doing your part to keep the content that viewers and users want to see with ongoing valid material.

Don't stop now! You are on a roll, maybe even a blog roll.


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